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Night shelling of Kyiv: Islamic Cultural Center damaged

Night shelling of Kyiv: Islamic Cultural Center damaged Destruction of the Islamic Cultural Center (
Author: Maria Kholina

As a result of a massive missile strike on Kyiv on September 2, the building of the Islamic Cultural Center of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea suffered significant damage, according to the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov.

According to Chubarov, the Islamic Center building, particularly the mosque located within it, will require repairs.

There were no casualties during the attack.

Photo: The destruction of the Islamic Cultural Center (

"Another proof to the fact that Russia is a country of absolute evil," Chubarov added.

Missile attack on Kyiv on September 2

That night, as reported by the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, Serhii Popko, the enemy resorted to a combined strike on the territory of Kyiv. The enemy launched cruise missiles around 3 a.m. from the Saratov region of the Russian Federation. The missiles approached Kyiv after complex maneuvers.

Along with the cruise missiles, the enemy also fired ballistic missiles at the capital and its suburbs, as well as one strike UAV.

Air defense forces managed to destroy over a dozen cruise missiles and about ten ballistic missiles, as well as the drone.