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Ukraine destroys Russian Su-34 at Morozovsk air base, Botswana signs Peace Summit Communiqué - Monday brief

Ukraine destroys Russian Su-34 at Morozovsk air base, Botswana signs Peace Summit Communiqué - Monday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Ukraine's intelligence destroyed Russian aircraft and an ammunition depot at Morozovsk airfield in Russia. Meanwhile, Botswana signed the communiqué of the Ukrainian peace summit.

Read more about what happened on Monday, August 5.

Ukraine's intelligence destroys Russian aircraft and ammunition depot at Morozovsk airfield

As a result of the attack on August 3 on the Morozovsk airfield in the Rostov region, a Russian Su-34 fighter bomber and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed. 2 more Russian aircraft of the same type were probably damaged by debris - craters from explosions were recorded near the sides.

The Ukrainian intelligence says that 4 technical buildings and 2 hangars at the Morozovsk air base, located 265 kilometers from the front line, also suffered damage visible from space.

Botswana signs Peace Summit Communiqué

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcomed the signing of the joint communiqué of the Peace Summit by the Republic of Botswana. He expressed appreciation for the friendly relations between the countries and Botswana's significant contribution to maintaining global security and stability.

Zelenskyy emphasizes that Botswana demonstrates a clear commitment to international law, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as well as support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

UN acknowledges possible involvement of its agency's staff in Hamas attack on Israel

Nine employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) may have been involved in the Hamas militant attack on Israel last October.

“The employment of these individuals will be terminated in the interests of the Agency,” the statement says.

Russia trying to conceal cholera outbreak in Crimea

Russia is trying to conceal a cholera outbreak that has occurred in the temporarily occupied Crimea, according to the Ukrainian president's representative office in Crimea.

"In Crimea, a cholera outbreak has been recorded in Simferopol, Dzhankoi, and Feodosia, which the occupying administration is trying to conceal," the report states.