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Ukraine brings back two more families with children from occupied part of Kherson region

Ukraine brings back two more families with children from occupied part of Kherson region Photo: Ukraine has returned two more families with children from the left bank of Kherson region (Getty Images)

Two more families with children have been successfully brought back from the temporarily occupied left bank of the Kherson region to the territory controlled by Ukraine, according to the Telegram channel of the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin.

"Save Ukraine has carried out another successful rescue operation from the temporarily occupied left bank of Kherson region," Prokudin reported.

According to him, thanks to the efforts of volunteers, two Ukrainian families have been returned. They are raising three boys, the youngest of whom is 10 years old, and the oldest is 17. All necessary services are involved in helping the families adapt to their new location.

As the head of the regional military administration noted, since the beginning of this year, 167 children have been evacuated to Ukrainian-controlled territory from communities in the Kherson region that are still occupied by Russia.

Deportation of Ukrainian children

It is worth noting that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russians have been massively deporting Ukrainian children to Belarus, Russia, and occupied Crimea. They also detain Ukrainians in temporarily captured territories.

According to Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets, Russia has illegally deported over 19,000 Ukrainian children.

It is important to remember that the deportation of Ukrainian children was the reason for the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova.

Additionally, Ukraine recently managed to return six more children from territories temporarily occupied by the enemy.