Ukraine and US sign memorandum on nuclear safety cooperation

Ukraine's nuclear regulators and the United States signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, announces the press service of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine.
On the Ukrainian side, the document was signed by the Acting Chairman of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate, Oleh Korikov, and on the US side, by the Chair of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) Christopher T. Hanson
What the memorandum entails:
Continuation and deepening of cooperation.
Exchange of experience.
interaction between the regulatory authorities of Ukraine and the US on issues of regulation and supervision of the safety and security of nuclear installations and radioactive materials, the application of guarantees, environmental impact of nuclear installations and radioactive materials.
The document also outlines projects for joint programs in various crucial directions in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, including:
studying the US practice of assessing the safety of NPP sites, in particular the placement of small modular reactors, in order to revise and update the relevant regulatory requirements of Ukraine;
research on the safety of US reactor plants using advanced technologies that could potentially be applied in Ukraine;
development of safety assessment guidelines for dismantling the "Shelter" facility structures under the New Safe Confinement;
development of safety assessment methodology for packaging kits for transportation of radioactive materials;
supporting the activities of the SNRIU in terms of strengthening preparedness and emergency response;
strengthening the infrastructure of the SNRIU to ensure the fulfillment of regulatory functions under martial law;
modernization of the accounting system for ionizing radiation sources;
study of the experience of US NRC regulatory activities in decommissioning uranium mining and processing facilities.
The Head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine, Korikov, described the signing of the memorandum as a "logical continuation of the active cooperation that is being implemented between the American and Ukrainian nuclear regulators."
Earlier in December, it was reported that Energoatom signed an agreement with Westinghouse Electric Company to purchase reactor island equipment for Unit 5 of the Khmelnytskyi NPP, which will be built using the American AR1000 technology.