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Ukraine and NATO approve strategic defense procurement review

Ukraine and NATO approve strategic defense procurement review Illustrative photo: Ukraine and NATO approve the Strategic defense procurement review (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

During the NATO Summit in Washington, Ukraine and the Alliance approved the Strategic Defense Procurement Review. From now on, Ukraine's defense procurement will be carried out in accordance with the best Euro-Atlantic practices, according to the Ministry of Defense.

It is noted that the Strategic defense procurement review contains 21 recommendations to improve the efficiency of supplying the Armed Forces of Ukraine both during wartime and in peacetime.

In particular, they include:

  • ensuring compatibility of defense procurement between Ukraine and NATO;
  • development of long-term procurement planning;
  • improving the procedures for concluding direct contracts and competitive procurement organization;
  • standardizing the level of secrecy in defense procurement.

"The main value of the Strategic Procurement Review is that it has clear deadlines for implementation, which will allow Ukrainian society and international partners to monitor the success of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic progress," said Hlib Kanevskyi, Director of the Procurement Policy Department of the Ministry of Defense.

The review also emphasizes the leading role of the parliament in civilian democratic control and the lessons-learned mechanism. At the same time, the recommendations have a bilateral nature of cooperation - partners from NATO countries will also study the unique Ukrainian experience of organizing procurement and logistics in wartime.

Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO

Recently, we wrote that during the Washington summit, NATO member states decided to create a new structure to coordinate assistance to Ukraine.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also stated that the Alliance would create a permanent structure to organize the supply of weapons to Ukraine and their financing.