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Ukraine and Montenegro begin talks on security guarantees agreement

Ukraine and Montenegro begin talks on security guarantees agreement Photo: Ukraine has started discussing security guarantees with Montenegro (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine and Montenegro have started consultations to sign a bilateral agreement on security guarantees. Such a document will help strengthen cooperation between the countries, according to the press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

According to the Presidential Office, the consultations were held by the Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva.

He emphasized that Ukraine appreciates Montenegro's firm position and support since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion.

“We share the same values and count on Montenegro's support on Ukraine's path to NATO membership. Ukraine and Montenegro both also aspire for EU membership and are already indisputably contributing to Europe’s security and prosperity,” Ihor Zhovkva noted.

What happened before

Since the beginning of the year, Ukraine has managed to sign 25 bilateral agreements on security guarantees with its partners.

All the documents differ in content. For example, it has recently become known that Ukraine plans to sign an agreement with Ireland, which is neutral and cannot provide military assistance.

The US agreement provides for the transfer of F-16 squadrons and more to Ukraine.

By the way, as of February 2023, Montenegro has provided Ukraine with military assistance worth more than €10 million.