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Turkey's BRICS accession: China supports expansion of organization

Turkey's BRICS accession: China supports expansion of organization China's flag (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

In light of Turkey's potential application for BRICS membership, China has expressed its support for the participation of more countries in the organization's cooperation, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning during a briefing.

"China, along with other BRICS countries, will continue to uphold the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, and mutually beneficial cooperation, and support more [countries]," she said.

In her response to a journalist's question regarding Turkey's possible entry into BRICS, Mao Ning did not directly comment on the information. This is likely due to the absence of an official statement from Ankara at this time.

Will Turkey join BRICS?

Bloomberg reported that Turkey might have submitted an application to join the BRICS group, citing anonymous sources in Ankara. These sources claimed that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's administration believes that the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from developed economies. According to these sources, this has been one of the reasons for the application submission.

BRICS is an organization that aims to unite developing countries for geopolitical and economic cooperation. It is important to note that Russia, which is part of the organization, uses this platform for its own interests amid international isolation and sanctions for waging war against Ukraine. While China holds more influence within BRICS, Russia, under the leadership of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin, still plays a significant role. This poses a threat to global political and economic stability.

Over the past year, BRICS membership has doubled, and further expansion of the bloc is planned at the summit in Russia in October 2024.

In early 2024, four countries joined the organization: Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Egypt. Saudi Arabia was invited to join, but the kingdom has not yet done so.

You can learn more about BRICS in the RBC-Ukraine coverage.

Natalia Butyrska, a master of foreign policy and an expert on East Asia, previously discussed the main reasons for Turkey's potential entry into BRICS. Among them is the fact that Ankara has repeatedly been denied entry into the EU.