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Trump team inclines RFK Jr. to drop out of the race and back him

Trump team inclines RFK Jr. to drop out of the race and back him Photo: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Getty Images)
Author: RBC Ukraine

Representatives of Donald Trump's team, including journalist Tucker Carlson and the former president's son, Donald Trump Jr., have been trying to persuade Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign to exit the presidential race and endorse the Republican candidate, reports NBC News.

Two sources familiar with the situation said that Donald Trump Jr., journalist Tucker Carlson, and businessman Omeed Malik have been attempting to convince Kennedy to suspend his campaign as an independent candidate and support the current Republican nominee.

The negotiations began a week before the Republican National Convention.

Last Sunday, Trump and Kennedy had a phone call before the Democratic National Convention began, and then met in person on Monday. At that time, Kennedy said the meeting was intended to discuss “national unity.”

Although negotiations between Trump’s advisors and Kennedy’s team began before Biden exited the race, they intensified after Vice President Kamala Harris entered the electoral process. Now, the level of support for third-party candidates has dropped, and votes have begun to gradually shift to the leading candidate.

The Democratic team believes that the deal between Trump and Kennedy is a matter of time and will eventually happen. Jack Schlossberg, President John F. Kennedy’s grandson, stated that he “wouldn’t be surprised if he was working for President Trump at some point or in the past” and added that the interests of Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “align.”

Insiders from Kennedy Jr.'s team confirmed that he plans to suspend his campaign this Friday and support Trump. Although the politician had previously announced a meeting with supporters in Phoenix on Friday, August 23.

US elections

The US presidential election will be held on November 5. The main candidates are former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump, and current Vice President and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

Independent candidates, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are also participating in the election. However, on August 21, it was reported that Kennedy's team was considering the option of exiting the race and supporting Donald Trump.

According to early August polls, Harris is leading her Republican opponent by 5% and has a higher approval rating among American citizens - 48% compared to Trump’s 41%.