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Kennedy Jr. may drop out of presidential race to support Trump

Kennedy Jr. may drop out of presidential race to support Trump Photo: US presidential candidate Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (GettyImages)

Independent US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may consider withdrawing from the race and supporting Republican Donald Trump, according to UPI.

Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign is reportedly facing serious financial difficulties. He is currently the third-highest presidential candidate and has the highest rating for this position compared to his predecessors since 1992.

Kennedy's assistant, Nicole Shanahan, noted that several options were currently being considered, including creating a new political party. However, it is also acknowledged that such a move could lead to Kamala Harris's victory due to a potential loss of votes.

"Or we might just join forces with Donald Trump and explain to our voters why we are making this decision. It's a tough choice," Shanahan said.

The comments from Shanahan came a few days before Vice President Kamala Harris was expected to accept her nomination from the Democratic Party for the presidential race.

US election

It should be noted that Vice President Kamala Harris symbolically accepted the nomination for the Democratic Party's presidential candidate. Recent polls have shown that Harris's approval rating exceeds that of former President Donald Trump.

Harris was announced as the Democratic Party's candidate after President Joe Biden decided not to run due to a poor performance in debates against Trump.

Harris made history as the first woman of color to receive a presidential nomination from one of the major parties.