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Trump's plane made emergency landing en route to Montana due to technical issues

Trump's plane made emergency landing en route to Montana due to technical issues Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

A plane carrying Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made an emergency landing due to technical issues detected onboard, reports the Associated Press (AP).

On Friday evening, Trump departed for Bozeman, Montana, to attend a campaign rally and challenge Democratic Senator Jon Tester.

However, during the flight, the aircraft experienced technical problems and made an emergency landing at Billings Airport.

The campaign released a video of Trump after landing, in which he expressed his pleasure at being in Montana but made no mention of the incident.

The politician continued his journey to Bozeman on a private plane. The candidate's rally is scheduled for Friday evening local time at Montana State University.

US presidential election

The next US presidential election is scheduled for November 5, 2024.

Recently, incumbent President Joe Biden, a Democrat, withdrew from the race after losing a debate to Trump. Kamala Harris was chosen as the new Democratic candidate.

According to the latest Ipsos poll, Harris leads Trump by 5%. However, a CBS News/YouGov poll indicates that the candidates are evenly matched.

Trump and Harris have agreed to meet for debates on ABC News at the beginning of September.