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Trump mocks Harris for skipping Fox News debate

Trump mocks Harris for skipping Fox News debate Photo: Donald Trump (Getty Images)

US presidential candidate Donald Trump mocked fellow candidate Kamala Harris after she withdrew from the Fox News debate, according to Politico.

On his social media platform Truth Social, Trump launched a barrage of insults at Harris. He claimed that the Democrat allegedly has a "low IQ" and lacks the "mental capacity" to debate him, calling her "dumb."

"I'll see her on September 4 or, I won't see her at all," the Republican wrote, referring to the planned debate date.

Trump reiterated his statement at a rally in Georgia: "We’re doing one with Fox, if she shows up. I don’t think she’s going to show up."

He also remarked that Harris "can read from a teleprompter" but cannot speak live on air.


US presidential candidate Donald Trump agreed to hold a pre-election debate with Kamala Harris, who was selected as the Democratic candidate.

Trump stated that the debate was scheduled for September 4 on the Fox News channel, which is friendly to him.

However, Harris declined to participate in the debate on Trump's terms. She announced that she would attend a debate on ABC on September 10. An ABC News representative could not confirm any details.