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Trump makes cynical statement about Zelenskyy and war

Trump makes cynical statement about Zelenskyy and war Photo: Donald Trump (GettyImages)

US presidential candidate Donald Trump accused Volodymyr Zelenskyy of starting the war in Ukraine, Politico informs.

According to Trump, Zelenskyy should not have allowed the war to start.

"He should never have let that war start. The war’s a loser," Trump said.

At the same time, Trump claimed that US President Joe Biden "instigated that war," which, as he has repeatedly stated, "would never have happened" if he (Trump - ed.) had been president.

Later, Trump added that he has good relations with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

What preceded

During his visit to the US, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with presidential candidate Donald Trump and presented him with Ukraine's victory plan. The talks lasted about an hour. Before the meeting, Trump praised Zelenskyy for his actions during the impeachment scandal in 2019.

After the talks with Zelenskyy, Trump also stated that he wants a "fair deal for everybody" in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine.

It is also worth noting that Trump declined to say whether he had spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin after leaving office. However, he called it a "smart decision" for the United States if such a conversation had taken place.