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Trapping Russian soldiers: Ukrainian Armed Forces release video of ground drones in action on frontline

Trapping Russian soldiers: Ukrainian Armed Forces release video of ground drones in action on frontline Photo: Makhno ground drones (
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian military skillfully uses ground drones at the front. In particular, they mine the territory with their help, according to the AFU StratCom Telegram channel.

The published video shows Ukrainian military personnel using ground drones to set traps for the Russian soldiers, including scattering mines with delayed detonation times.

The video shows the drone leaving the explosives and driving away. After a while, when a Russian soldier appears nearby, it detonates.

"The work, the triggering of the trap, and the results are demonstrated by the 63rd Mechanized Brigade," the statement reads.

The use of ground drones in war

It is currently known that Ukraine has six modifications of ground drones: mining, demining, logistics (for the delivery of food, water, ammunition, wood, etc.), evacuation, and assault.

In April of this year, Ukraine's defenders were able to plant explosives on Russian positions with the help of a ground robot and eliminate them.

In addition, Ukraine tested the SIRKO universal ground robot, which helps soldiers transport cargo, evacuate the wounded, and reconnoiter enemy positions.