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Top US general makes list of weapons that could help Ukraine - CNN

Top US general makes list of weapons that could help Ukraine - CNN Photo: Christopher Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (flickr by NATO)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The commander of the United States European Command, General Christopher Cavoli, has compiled a list of weapons that could assist Ukraine in its defense against Russia. This list includes long-range missiles, among other items, according to CNN.

According to the agency's sources, the list was presented to Congress at the beginning of last month and is part of a classified report on the Biden administration's strategy regarding Ukraine.

CNN reports that the list includes JASSM long-range missiles for F-16s, which can hit targets within a range of up to 370 kilometers.

Cavoli also included the Link 16 communication system in the list, a data exchange network used by the US and NATO. This system is intended to ensure uninterrupted communication between combat systems and is particularly useful for command and control in air and missile defense.

The source noted that Ukraine has repeatedly requested the transfer of both JASSM missiles and Link 16 systems.

The general's list did not specify why the US has not yet provided such assistance to Ukraine. However, one of CNN's sources suggested that the most likely reason for the delay in providing Link 16 is the concern that sensitive US technologies could fall into the hands of Russia.

Additionally, the source mentioned that JASSM missiles may be ineffective for Ukraine unless it achieves a certain advantage in the air.


Recently, Ukraine received its first batch of F-16 fighter jets from partners.

In August, Politico reported that the US was ready to provide Ukraine with JASSM long-range missiles.

Journalists clarified that a decision on the supply has yet to be made, as Washington is working on complex details. As of now, the US has not announced any plans to provide such missiles to Ukraine.