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Three Ukrainian drivers get hit at Poland-Ukraine border: Details revealed

Three Ukrainian drivers get hit at Poland-Ukraine border: Details revealed Three Ukrainian drivers were hit on the border with Poland (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that on December 14, three Ukrainian drivers were hit on the Polish-Ukrainian border. The Ukrainian consul immediately went to the scene of the accident, according to Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Oleh Nikolenko, in a commentary to RBC-Ukraine.

The Ukrainian citizens suffered minor injuries. They were provided with medical care on the spot. They did not need hospitalization.

At the same time, the driver of the car with Polish license plates who committed the hit was detained by the police. Investigative actions have begun.

"Our consuls are cooperating with Polish law enforcement officers to clarify all the circumstances of the incident. They are keeping the investigation under control," Nikolenko tells the agency.

He also adds that the affected Ukrainian drivers were cleared at the border yesterday and returned to Ukraine with their vehicles.

The background

Yesterday, news agencies and social media reported that near the Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska checkpoint on the border with Poland, a minibus driver with Polish license plates ran over three Ukrainian drivers who were walking on a pedestrian crossing.

The video of the incident began to be widely shared on Telegram channels. Later, the Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin, Oleh Kuts, commented on the information to a media outlet. According to him, the incident occurred in front of the police, and the driver responsible was detained and is being investigated.

The Consul General also spoke about the condition of the two victims. He reported that one of them had a bruised arm and the other had a bruised leg. They were treated on the spot.

Blockade on the border with Poland

Since November 6, Polish carriers have been blocking the movement of freight transport on the border with Ukraine.

The Polish side is demanding a ban on the registration of transport companies with foreign capital in Poland, as well as the resumption of issuing EU entry permits to Ukrainian carriers and improved border services.

Thus, four checkpoints were blocked. However, on December 1, the Ministry of Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine announced that the Yahodyn-Dorohusk border crossing point between Ukraine and Poland had been unblocked.

However, the movement of freight transport on the Ukrainian-Polish border is hampered. The blockade has resulted in long queues of hundreds of trucks. There are also reports of deaths of Ukrainian truck drivers waiting to cross the border.