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Third gold medal for Ukraine. Serbin wins 2024 Paralympics award in swimming

Third gold medal for Ukraine. Serbin wins 2024 Paralympics award in swimming Mykhailo Serbin wins gold at the 2024 Paralympics (photo:

Ukrainian Mykhailo Serbin won the highest award at the 2024 Paralympics. This is the third gold medal for Ukraine at this year's competition, reports Suspilne.

Serbin won Ukraine's third gold medal at the 2024 Paralympics in the 100-meter backstroke (class S11).

In the final, he swam a time of 1:05.84 minutes, updating his own world record by 0.17 seconds.

Ukrainian Paralympians have been winning top awards at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris for 4 days now.

Today Ukraine has already won its second gold and another silver medal at the 2024 Paralympics. Ukraine also won a historic medal in boccia.