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Third Assault Brigade liberates about 2 square kilometers in Kharkiv region: Details from commander

Third Assault Brigade liberates about 2 square kilometers in Kharkiv region: Details from commander Illustrative photo: Ukrainian defenders liberated territory in the Kharkiv region (Getty Images)

Fighters of the Third Assault Brigade managed to liberate about 2 square kilometers of territory during the counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region. This breakthrough took the enemy by surprise, Commander of the Terra unit of the Third Assault Brigade, Mykola "Abdula" Volokhov, stated this in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

He explained that the situation in the area of responsibility of the Third Assault Brigade fighters in the Kharkiv region remains tense. This is because the brigade's fighters recently conducted a counteroffensive operation.

"We liberated a significant portion of Ukrainian land—about 2 square kilometers—in a very critical area for the enemy. This gave the enemy a resounding slap. They were unaware that we were planning this operation and were unprepared," emphasized Volokhov.

According to him, during the attack, the brigade used 2.5 times fewer forces than the enemy had at their positions. Confirmation of 200 eliminated soldiers has been received.

As a result, the Terra unit commander noted that the enemy seeks revenge and is conducting constant assaults.

"They are trying to accumulate armored vehicles and infantry in areas from which they can quickly advance. Artillery is working very actively. We, in turn, are not giving the artillery any time," he added.

What preceded this

At the end of August, it was reported that fighters of the Third Assault Brigade were able to advance in the Kharkiv region.

During the counteroffensive operation, the fighters took control of a battalion defense area of the Russian troops and enemy platoon and company strongholds.

According to Brigade Commander Andrii Biletskyi, the main objective was to disrupt the offensive potential of the 20th Army of the occupiers.