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Telegram to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of individuals who violate messenger's rules

Telegram to disclose IP addresses and phone numbers of individuals who violate messenger's rules Illustrative photo: Telegram will disclose users' IP addresses and phone numbers (Getty Images)

The Telegram app will update its terms of use and disclose the data of individuals who violate them. This will involve the use of artificial intelligence, according to the Telegram channel of Pavel Durov.

As Durov stated, Telegram's search feature is more powerful than those of other messaging apps, allowing users to find public channels and bots. However, some users have abused this functionality.

That’s why, in recent weeks, a special team has used artificial intelligence to make Telegram's search safer.

"All the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible. If you still manage to find something unsafe or illegal in Telegram Search, please report it to us via a special bot," Durov wrote.

He also mentioned that to deter wrongdoers from misusing the Telegram search feature, the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" have been updated.

"We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests," he wrote.

In his opinion, these measures should deter criminals, as the search function in Telegram is intended for finding friends and news, not for promoting illegal goods.

Pavel Durov's arrest in France

The founder of the Telegram messenger, Pavel Durov, was arrested on August 24 at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. He was accused of facilitating terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, selling stolen goods, and sexual offenses against children, as well as failing to moderate the service and cooperate with the investigation.

Subsequently, Telegram rejected these accusations and emphasized that the company operates within the legal framework of the EU.

Five days later, on August 29, Durov was released on bail set at 5 million euros. However, he is currently prohibited from leaving France until the investigation is complete.

For more information about Durov's arrest in France and the future of Telegram, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.