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Tarot horoscope for August 1 for all zodiac signs: Who will get chance for happiness

Tarot horoscope for August 1 for all zodiac signs: Who will get chance for happiness What does the Tarot horoscope promise for Thursday (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

On Thursday, August 1, Cancer and Pisces will receive a rare opportunity and even a sign from above. Meanwhile, Leo and Capricorn will face some difficulties.

What the Tarot cards predict for all zodiac signs on Thursday is shared by Your Tango.

You drew the Page of Swords card. Try not to get upset over trivial matters. Don’t fall for provocations; it’s important to rise above all arguments and intrigues.

You drew the reversed Ace of Cups card. Avoid taking initiative today. If someone asks you to take on responsibility, decline; it might be a trap.

You drew the reversed Five of Pentacles card. Don’t forbid yourself from feeling down. If you want to relax and lay low, give yourself that time. You deserve a break.

Your card for August 1 is the Ace of Pentacles. The universe will send you an important sign. You’ll understand how to proceed; listen to the advice from above, and everything will work out.

You drew the Queen of Wands card. Expect a meeting with a challenging person. They will likely try to break you down. Don’t succumb to manipulation and stand your ground.

You drew the reversed Ten of Wands card. Not all problems can be solved; some should be let go and forgotten. It’s not a failure, just a minor setback.

Your card for Thursday is the Queen of Cups. Don’t blame yourself for mistakes; acknowledge them and move forward. Be kinder to yourself.

You drew the Two of Wands card. Watch your spending. Save money and ignore those who might urge you to take risks.

You drew the reversed Seven of Cups card. Today, you will get an answer to a troubling question. When you receive it, you’ll have the chance to make a very wise decision.

You drew the reversed Ten of Cups card. Problems may arise in your personal life. You might get angry over minor issues, which could lead to arguments.

You drew the reversed Three of Wands card. On Thursday, you might realize you’re unhappy with your life. However, understand that changes won’t come on their own; you need to start acting now.

You drew the reversed Hanged Man card. You’ll have a rare opportunity. Doors will open for you; be brave and decisive.

We recently talked about which zodiac signs will soon get everything they want.

Additionally, there is a Tarot horoscope for the week for all zodiac signs.