Weekly Tarot horoscope: Cancers to receive good news, while Sagittarius to end up with empty wallet

The new week, from July 29 to August 4, will bring joy to Cancer and Libra, while Leo and Sagittarius should be more cautious.
Hindustan Times website shares a complete Tarot horoscope for the week for all zodiac signs.
Tarot cards predict a week of both big and small surprises. You’ll have good fortune at work and enjoy harmony in your relationship. If you haven’t found your soulmate yet, try to spend more time with friends.
Strive to maintain a positive outlook. You'll be able to tackle any challenges that come your way this week. It's important to have the support of loved ones, so make sure to show them your appreciation and kind words.
These days will be busy and productive. If you take your responsibilities and promises seriously, everything will go smoothly. By the end of the week, you'll be able to relax and enjoy the results of your hard work.
Tarot cards promise you a major miracle this week. You’ll receive wonderful news and may start a romance that brings you great joy. Additionally, financial worries will fade as a new source of income emerges.
The beginning of the week might be quite stressful. Be cautious with adventures and risks, as they are unlikely to help you achieve your goals. By the weekend, the storm will subside, and you’ll have the opportunity to travel or enjoy some fun.
Tarot cards offer you a rare opportunity this week. You have the chance to make significant changes. It will only require a bit of effort - listen to advice and constructive criticism, and learn to admit when you’re wrong.
Destiny has something special in store for you. This week will be engaging, and you’ll stay busy. All events will be positive, with no failures or problems in sight, so there’s no need to worry.
Try to keep your composure. Small difficulties might deeply upset you, causing you to lose motivation. However, don’t despair - this game is far from over, and you haven’t lost yet.
Tarot cards advise you to watch your finances. Save money and avoid impulsive purchases. Someone may try to deceive you in the coming days, so don’t give your enemies any reason to rejoice.
You might suddenly find yourself with significant power in your hands. There's a high chance that success could cloud your judgment. Avoid making impulsive decisions or speaking recklessly. It's important to follow the rules and maintain discipline.
Don’t be afraid to take risks. This week could be your moment of glory if you’re willing to embrace change. If offered a new job or position, don’t rush to decline. It’s worth testing your abilities and exploring new opportunities.
It’s time to reassess your strategy. If you dream of success, you need to take a decisive step forward. Trust your instincts and intuition. You’ll be able to resolve all issues and even find time for relaxation.