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Switzerland hosts Peace Summit and Czechia hands over first shells to Ukraine - Weekend brief

Switzerland hosts Peace Summit and Czechia hands over first shells to Ukraine - Weekend brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Over the weekend, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy initiated a Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. Meanwhile, the first batches of artillery ammunition purchased by Czechia are already arriving in Ukraine.

Read more about what happened over the weekend on RBC-Ukraine.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

News for June 15

News for June 16

First batches of shells arrive in Ukraine under Czech initiative

The first batches of artillery ammunition purchased under the initiative of Czechia are already arriving in Ukraine. Czech officials believe they will be able to procure and deliver a significant quantity of shells this year, according to the Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský in an interview with Radio Free Europe.

According to the Foreign Minister, 20 countries have committed to participating in the initiative to purchase artillery ammunition for the Ukrainian army. Five countries have already provided funds, enabling contracts to be signed. Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, and Canada have sent money. These agreements are already in the process of being implemented.

'We are not a party to the conflict': NATO chief rules out sending troops to Ukraine

NATO will not send its troops to the territory of Ukraine. However, NATO states have pledged to train the Ukrainian military, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

From the very beginning, NATO has stated that it supports Ukraine, and it has indeed provided great support to Ukraine, he said, adding that they agreed to train the Ukrainian military.

The NATO Secretary General once more stressed that the Alliance was not a party to the conflict. It rules out the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine.

Budapest's demands met: Szijjarto on starting Ukraine's EU accession talks

Hungary supported the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union because Kyiv "satisfied Budapest's demands," states Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó.

According to him, it is about the rights of the Hungarian minority in Zakarpattia.

According to Szijjártó, there were fierce debates in Brussels and an agreement was reached: all Hungarian conditions were included in the framework document for negotiations with Ukraine.

"So now we have a document from Brussels stating that Ukraine must return to the Hungarians of Zakarpattia the rights taken away from them in recent years," the Hungarian Foreign Minister said.

Zelenskyy speaks on Russia's participation in Peace Summit

Russia was not invited to the first Peace Summit, which started today in Switzerland, because the aggressor country is not interested in peace, states the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Now there is no Russia here. Why? Because if Russia was interested in peace, there would be no war," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, the world must decide together what a just peace means and how it can be achieved on the basis of the UN Charter.

"Then, when the action plan is on the table, agreed by all and transparent to the people, then it will be communicated to the representatives of Russia. And so that at the second Peace Summit, we can fix the real end of the war," the President added.

Romania refuses to allow Russia and Belarus to attend OSCE PA session

"The Romanian authorities have decided not to allow the Russian delegation to participate in the annual session of the OSCE PA. This measure will be applied to all members of the delegation, parliamentarians, and technical staff. The decision is also directed against Belarus, which supports the war started by the Russian Federation," said Romanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Radu Filip.

Peace summit results for Ukraine and next steps

The successful holding of the Peace Summit was certainly one of the main tasks of Ukrainian diplomacy this year. On balance, the two-day event can be considered an asset for Ukraine.

Read about what Ukraine managed to achieve at the Peace Summit and what it failed to do, how events will develop further, and what role Donald Trump will play in the event in RBC-Ukraine's article.

Israel introduces 'tactical pauses' in Gaza Strip offensive

The Israeli army has announced "tactical pauses" in military operations in the Gaza Strip. This is necessary to facilitate humanitarian aid, reports IDF.

Starting June 15, daily pauses will be implemented in operations in the southern Gaza Strip. These pauses will last eight hours, from 8:00 to 19:00, along the road leading from the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing.

Israeli military officials explained that this step facilitates humanitarian aid delivery.

Before US elections. Swiss Foreign Minister names possible dates for second peace summit

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis says the second Peace Summit may take place before the United States presidential election.

According to him, the goal of the next summit will be to pave the way for peace in Ukraine.

Сassis noted that the next meeting will be held in the next five months, probably before the US presidential election in November.

However, it is not yet known where this meeting will occur.