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Supporting Ukraine constitutes a pivotal concern - EBRD President

Supporting Ukraine constitutes a pivotal concern - EBRD President The EBRD emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine (photo: Getty Images)

The financial and military support for Ukraine is a "key issue," and it should be maintained and increased, states the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Odile Renaud-Basso.

She commented on the decision of the U.S. Congress to approve a temporary budget without allocated expenditures for assistance to Ukraine.

"What happened in the U.S. Congress raises some questions. The U.S. president reaffirmed a strong commitment, but this is a very important question for Ukraine," she said.

The edition notes that in 2023, the EBRD already financed Ukraine with $1.2 billion. Overall, he promised to allocate at least $3 billion in assistance to our country.

What proceeded this

The United States has been a significant source of financial and military support for Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. However, the recent temporary budget resolution passed by the U.S. Congress did not include allocated expenditures for assistance to Ukraine.

In response to this, President Joe Biden called on Congress to "stop playing games" and assured that support for Ukraine would continue. The Pentagon also urged Congress to make urgent decisions since the USAI (Initiative to Support Ukraine's Security Assistance) funding has been exhausted, which is crucial for supplying Ukraine with defense equipment such as anti-aircraft systems, ammunition, drones, and other critical military supplies. This support is especially important as Russia prepares for potential winter military operations.

The situation emphasizes the need for a consistent and sustained commitment to supporting Ukraine's defense efforts in the face of ongoing security challenges in the region.