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Strike on grain trucks near Sumy: Russia spreads fake news

Strike on grain trucks near Sumy: Russia spreads fake news Photo: Russians spread fake news about an attack on a convoy of grain trucks in Sumy region (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia is spreading fake news about an attack on a convoy of grain trucks in the Sumy region, claiming it was military equipment heading to Sudzha in the Kursk region, according to the Prosecutor's Office of Sumy region.

“The enemy is spreading information on its platforms about the alleged elimination of a convoy of military vehicles that were heading to Suzha,” the statement said.

The Prosecutor's Office notes that the photo of the Russian strike on the grain truck convoy clearly shows that the trucks were waiting to load soybeans and were parked near the field.

Russian strike on grain truck convoy in Sumy region

On August 31, Russian forces launched a missile attack on a convoy of grain trucks in the Sumy district. One driver was killed, and four others were injured.

On the night of September 1, the Russian forces launched an Iskander-M missile and 11 kamikaze drones at Ukraine. As later reported by the Ukrainian Air Force, the Russian strike targeted grain and the agricultural sector.

In addition to this attack, a fire broke out at a grain storage warehouse in the Mykolaiv region. It has already been extinguished.