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Strange containers discovered at Russian airbase targeted by Ukraine

Strange containers discovered at Russian airbase targeted by Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukrainian Defense Forces drones struck the Russian Borisoglebsk airbase yesterday. Satellite images from the strike site revealed "strange containers", according to Defense Express.

Borisoglebsk airbase is located 300 kilometers from the Ukrainian border and has reportedly been used as a base for Su-35 and Su-34 aircraft, which have been launching guided bombs at Ukrainian territory.

RBC-Ukraine reported that Radio Free Europe published detailed satellite images indicating the results of the strike on the Borisoglebsk airbase, showing intriguing outcomes.

Результати удару 4 жовтня 2024 року по аеродрому "Борисоглебск", публікує "Радіо Свобода"

Defense Express observed that unknown boxes or containers were damaged and burned, situated outdoors near the runway.

These containers could theoretically have housed either rare aviation munitions or suspended containers with scarce and expensive equipment, such as for electronic or radio reconnaissance.

It turns out that these satellite images have not provided sufficient data on enemy losses resulting from the strike on the Borisoglebsk airbase, and additional information is needed.

It is worth noting that yesterday, Ukrainian drones targeted an airbase in the Voronezh region, where Russian warehouses with guided bombs and parking for Su-35 and Su-34 aircraft are located. Photos and videos of the attack were published online.

Satellite monitoring recorded four fire outbreaks on the territory of Borisoglebsk.