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Spain delivers HAWK air defense battery to Ukraine, now in Poland

Spain delivers HAWK air defense battery to Ukraine, now in Poland Photo: HAWK air defense system (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Spain has transferred a complete HAWK air defense battery with six launchers to Ukraine. It is already in Poland, according to the press service of the Spanish Ministry of Defense.

The Spanish Ministry of Defense announced the transfer of the HAWK air defense battery during the Ramstein meeting in Germany.

“Given President Zelenskyy’s clear request for air defense systems, Minister Robles announced the immediate shipment of a complete HAWK battery, which includes six missile launchers. These have already been delivered and are currently in Poland,” the statement said.

The HAWK is a semi-stationary medium-range surface-to-air missile system designed to protect ground forces and rear assets. It is capable of intercepting aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic targets.

Spain’s assistance to Ukraine

Previously, it was reported that Spain provided Ukraine with €600 million in military aid, including weapons, ammunition, communication and reconnaissance equipment, and medical supplies.

In late May, President Zelenskyy announced that Spain would provide additional air defense systems to Ukraine.

In July, it was revealed that Spain began transferring a new batch of military aid to Ukraine, including 10 Leopard 2A4 tanks, several excavators, and a large quantity of anti-tank missiles.

Additionally, the Spanish Ministry of Defense had previously stated that Madrid would deliver a new additional HAWK battery to Ukraine, with deliveries planned for September.