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South Korea warns of military deal between Putin and Kim Jong-un

South Korea warns of military deal between Putin and Kim Jong-un Putin and Kim Jong-un could conclude an arms deal (
Author: Maria Kholina

South Korea has expressed “deep concerns” over possible military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow following the meeting of Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin at a space center in Russia, CNN reported.

South Korea’s Unification Minister Kim Yung-ho said the two countries appeared to be pursuing “some kind of military deal,” pointing to Kim Jong Un’s recent visits to munitions factories in North Korea and his visit to Russia alongside top military officials.

The unification minister also referenced the recent visit by Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Pyongyang and Moscow's suggestion that it would support Pyongyang’s satellite development.

Comments came after U.S. officials warned that Putin might use the meeting with the North Korean dictator to seek arms deals, stating that talks on arms are "actively advancing" between the two countries.

"I cannot help but be deeply concerned about military cooperation and an arms deal," Kim Yung-ho said.

The minister called on Pyongyang and Moscow to cease "illegal acts" that would lead the two countries to "isolation and regression on their own," and to comply with international norms including the UN Security Council resolutions.

He warned that North Korea would face a "stronger response" from South Korea, the U.S., and Japan "the more it clings to its nuclear development."

South Korea’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Jeon Ha-kyu said Thursday the ministry was keeping "a close eye out" amid speculation that North Korea and Russia may hold a joint military drill in the future.

Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia

On September 13, a meeting took place between the leaders of North Korea and Russia, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin, at the "Vostochnyi" cosmodrome.

Kim Jong-un invited Putin to visit North Korea, and the Russian president accepted the invitation.

For more details on the meeting between Putin and Kim, please refer to the RBC-Ukraine report.

Previously, the U.S. announced that they would closely watch the outcomes of the Putin-Kim meeting and are ready to impose new sanctions on the countries if arms deals are agreed upon.