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Slovakia collected military aid package for Ukraine, but postponed the shipment - Reason named

Slovakia collected military aid package for Ukraine, but postponed the shipment - Reason named Slovakia has assembled a package of military aid for Ukraine but postponed its shipment (photo: Getty Images)

Slovakia's President Zuzana Čaputová has voiced her opposition to providing Ukraine with a new package of military assistance in light of the results of the parliamentary elections in which the Smer-SD party of former Prime Minister Robert Fico emerged victorious, according to Dennik N.

According to the publication, Slovakia's defense department is considering the possibility of providing Ukraine with a new package of military assistance. This assistance could have been delivered during the tenure of the technocratic government led by Ludovit Odor, but President Zuzana Čaputová opposed such a plan, describing it as a "disrespect to the voters."

Čaputová's spokesperson, Martin Strižinec, explained that her stance in this manner "demonstrates respect for the results of democratic elections." The winning party, Smer-SD, had promised its voters not to provide any support to Ukraine.

Čaputová stated that ignoring the position of the Smer-SD party would set an unpleasant precedent for the future.

Elections in Slovakia

During the extraordinary parliamentary elections on September 30, the populist Smer-SD party, led by former Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico, received 23% of the votes, surpassing the centrist "Progressive Slovakia" party with 18%.

While Fico was in office, he maintained a clearly pro-Russian stance, calling for the removal of sanctions against Russia imposed for the annexation of Crimea. Currently, his views in this regard have become even more radical, as he has referred to Ukrainians as "Nazis" and accused them of instigating the conflict in eastern Ukraine (Donbas).

For more detailed information about what to expect from the elections in Slovakia, you can read the article by RBC-Ukraine.