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Shelling of Pokrovsk and Kruhlyakivka - Russian Nazi practice

Shelling of Pokrovsk and Kruhlyakivka - Russian Nazi practice Serhiі Cherevatyi, the Spokesperson of the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Photo: Facebook com)

Russian forces have repeatedly targeted residential buildings in Ukrainian cities. This has become their Nazi-like practice, according to the Spokesperson of f the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiі Cherevatyi statement.

"They were aware that people would come to help. And deliberately, they struck. And this is not the first time. The same with Pokrovsk. This is their Nazi-style practice. They don't care about civilian infrastructure, people, whether they are elderly, children, sick, or anyone. For them, it's not an obstacle," Cherevatyi said.

According to him, in this manner, the Russians aim to break our resistance and show their cruelty, that they won't stop at anything.

"Especially as the anniversary of our successful operation in Kharkiv approaches, which greatly humiliated them and significantly undermined their defense. They seek revenge above all but are mistaken in their main calculation. That will lead to reversals," the Spokesperson emphasized.

Rocket strike on Pokrovsk

Yesterday, on August 7, the Russian army targeted the center of Pokrovsk with Iskander missiles. According to local authorities, the first strike was at 19:15, followed by a second at 19:52.

The head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, stressed that this is Russia's tactic. The enemy delivers the first strike to civilians and the second to the services that arrive at the scene.

As a result of the shelling, nine- and five-story buildings, residential houses in the private sector, a hotel, catering establishments, shops, and administrative buildings were damaged in the city.

According to the latest information, there were seven fatalities and 88 injured due to yesterday's strike on Pokrovsk. Most of them are civilians, but there are also rescuers and military personnel. In particular, the Deputy Head of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region, Andriy Omelchenko, was killed.

Shelling of Kruhlyakivka

On August 7, Russian forces targeted the village of Kruhlyakivka in the Kharkiv region with four guided aerial bombs. As a result, two people were killed.

When law enforcement officers and emergency services arrived at the impact site, the enemy conducted a second shelling using cluster munitions.

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