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Shelling of Kharkiv: Number of fatalities rises to seven

Shelling of Kharkiv: Number of fatalities rises to seven Photo: Ihor Terekhov (Getty Images)

The number of fatalities from the attack on Kharkiv on Friday, August 30, has risen to seven. The body of a woman was recovered from the rubble, according to the city's mayor, Ihor Terekhov, on Telegram.

"Just recovered the body of a woman from the rubble of a 12-story building in the Industrialnyi district. Thus, the number of victims from today's enemy shelling of Kharkiv has reached seven," Terekhov wrote.

Earlier, it was reported that the number of victims had risen to six, with nearly 60 people injured.

It is worth noting that the city is still dealing with the aftermath of the shelling.

The enemy struck five locations in Kharkiv:

  1. Industrialnyi district: A 12-story building.
  2. Central city area: Ground impact causing grass fires.
  3. Industrialnyi district.
  4. Slobidskyi district: Impact on a warehouse building.
  5. Slobidskyi district: Damage to three residential buildings.

Ukrainian city of Kharkiv hit by Russian airstrikes

On August 30, at approximately 3:30 PM ( Kyiv time), the Russian army launched aerial bombs on Kharkiv.

The attack involved five guided aerial bombs from a Su-34 aircraft, with the launches originating from the village of Dubovoe near Belgorod. Later, Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, shared photos of the aftermath of the attack.

For more details on the strike on Kharkiv, read the full material on RBC-Ukraine.