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Russia attacks Kharkiv with guided bombs: Strike on high-rise building, child among killed

Russia attacks Kharkiv with guided bombs: Strike on high-rise building, child among killed Photo: Aftermath of Kharkiv shelling (screenshot)

Today, August 30, Russian forces shelled several districts of Kharkiv with guided aerial bombs (KAB). Four people are reported dead, including a child, according to the Telegram channel of Kharkiv's mayor, Ihor Terekhov.

City center

Russian forces struck the central part of the city, targeting civilian infrastructure. Information on damages and casualties is being clarified.

Industrial district

The enemy hit a 12-story residential building, causing a fire.

Three deaths have been reported.

Nemyshlya district

"In the Nemyshlya district, occupiers killed a child directly on a playground. A girl. At least three other people in this area are injured," Terekhov wrote.

Number of injured rises rapidly

According to Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, there are 28 reported injuries.

"Medical teams continue to work at the impact sites," he added.

Ukraine needs strong solutions

Commenting on the situation in Kharkiv, Zelenskyy stated that all services are currently involved in the rescue operation.

He added that the strike could have been avoided if the defense forces were able to destroy Russian military aviation where it is based.

"We need strong solutions from our partners to stop this terror. This is an entirely justified need. There is no rational reason to restrict Ukraine in its defense. We need long-range capabilities. We need the implementation of agreements on air defense for Ukraine. This is a matter of saving lives," the president noted.

Number of casualties has increased

At 05:21 PM, Syniehubov announced that the number of casualties has risen to five.

Known consequences of the shelling

As of 05:33 PM, Syniehubov reports that 40 people have been injured. Overall, Russia carried out five aerial attacks from the Belgorod region, resulting in hits at five locations in Kharkiv:

  • Industrialnyi district, 12-story building. 5 cars damaged. Three people killed;
  • The central part of the city. Ground impact, grass fire;
  • Industrialnyi district. Minor injured. 4 affected;
  • Slobidskyi district. Hit on a warehouse building. 2 victims;
  • Slobidskyi district. Three houses were damaged. 6 people affected.

Shelling of Ukraine on the night of August 30

On the night of August 30, Russian forces attacked Ukraine with:

  • A ballistic missile, Iskander-M, launched from the temporarily occupied Crimea.
  • 18 strike drones of the Shahed-131/136 type, launched from Primorsko-Akhtarsk and Kursk in Russia.

To repel the attack, aviation, anti-aircraft missile troops, electronic warfare units, and mobile fire groups were involved. A total of 12 strike drones were downed. Air defense operations took place in Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Sumy regions.