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Shelling of Dnipropetrovsk region and destruction of Russian Tu-22M3 - Friday brief

Shelling of Dnipropetrovsk region and destruction of Russian Tu-22M3 - Friday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Yesterday, on April 19, 2024, Russians attacked settlements in the Dnipro region. Ukrainian troops shot down a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber.

RBC-Ukraine collected the main news for April 19.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest news

Ukrainian soldiers destroy Russian Tu-22M3 bomber

Yesterday, during a Russian massive attack, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber, 15 of 22 missiles, and 14 Shahed drones.

The Russian Tu-22M3 aircraft was shot down by an S-200 anti-aircraft missile system, which was modified by specialists from the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

Thus, for the first time, anti-aircraft missile units of the Ukrainian Air Force, together with the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, destroyed a Russian Tu-22M3 long-range strategic bomber, which is a carrier of Kh-22 cruise missiles. It was also the first time that Ukraine destroyed two such missiles.

Read more about the TU-22M3 bomber in RBC-Ukraine's article.

Russian attack on Dnipro and region aftermath: Killed and wounded, buildings destroyed

The Russians struck at the settlements of Dnipropetrovsk region, and the regional center came under fire. The details of Russia's combined air attack on the Dnipropetrovsk region on the night of April 19 have been revealed.

The Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Serhii Lysak, reported that the Russians' strikes killed 8 people and injured 34 others.

The Russians hit the railroad infrastructure, and Ukrzaliznytsia employees are among the injured and dead.

Slovaks raise nearly 2 million euros for ammunition for Ukrainian soldiers

Citizens of Slovakia managed to raise about 2 million euros to purchase shells for Ukraine as part of the Czech initiative.

The Slovak authorities refused to join the Czech government's initiative to provide ammunition for Ukraine, but despite this, the Slovaks decided to raise money on their own.

"When I heard about the Czech government's initiative, I was very pleased to hear that all ways are being sought to help Ukraine defend itself against the aggressor because there is no other way," said Otto Simko, a 99-year-old journalist, and Holocaust survivor, one of the organizers of the fundraiser for the shells.

He also emphasized that the Russian troops must be expelled from Ukraine so that peace on fair terms can be discussed.

Allies to assist with air defense and more. Stoltenberg summarizes NATO-Ukraine Council

NATO allies have agreed to help Ukraine strengthen its air defense. Announcements of supplies may be made in the near future, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated during a press conference following the NATO-Ukraine Council.

"NATO Defense Ministers have agreed to step up and provide further military support, including more air defense. NATO has mapped out existing capabilities across the Alliance and there are systems that can be made available to Ukraine. So I expect new announcements on air defense capabilities for Ukraine soon," said Stoltenberg.

He welcomed Germany's decision to provide Ukraine with an additional Patriot air defense system. According to the Secretary General, in addition to the Patriot, the allies may also transfer the SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system.

Pentagon prepares to send artillery and air defense equipment to Ukraine - Politico

The United States is preparing to quickly approve a new military aid package for Ukraine, as Congress will soon approve a law to support Ukraine, according to Politico.

The agency writes that it is artillery and air defense equipment. Other sources indicate that the administration of President Joe Biden has not yet made a final decision on how large the tranche of military aid will be and what it will contain.

"But Defense Department officials are working on putting together a package of US equipment that can move quickly through the bureaucratic process once the legislation passes and is signed by the president," writes Politico.

The material states that some of the US weapons are already positioned in warehouses across Europe and can be immediately transported to Ukraine. Some equipment could reach Ukraine in days, while others may take weeks.