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Shahed drones to be produced in occupied territories of Ukraine

Shahed drones to be produced in occupied territories of Ukraine Photo: Russia will produce Shahed drones at the seized enterprises (
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Russian forces are considering establishing production of Iranian Shahed drones at captured facilities in the temporarily occupied territories of eastern Ukraine, according to the National Resistance Center of Ukraine (NRC).

NRC indicates that strike drone production is planned to take place underground and involve students from vocational schools in the assembly process. The goal is for production in the occupied territories to shorten delivery times for the drones to launch sites.

At the same time, the drones are intended to be stored in urban developments, effectively using the local population as a human shield. Currently, the occupation administrations in the east are searching for final locations to assemble and house the manufactured drones.

Attack on Shahed storage base in Russia

Recently, Russians have increased the frequency and scale of using Iranian kamikaze drones against Ukraine. Almost every night, and even during the day, the occupiers launch drones toward various regions of the country.

The night before, Ukraine issued a large-scale air alert due to the takeoff of a MiG-31 fighter jet. Simultaneously, Russian forces launched drones toward the southern and northeastern regions of the country.

Subsequently, explosions were heard in Sumy, with air defense engaging hostile drones.

On October 9, the Ukrainian Naval Forces, together with the Security Service of Ukraine, struck a storage base for Shahed-type drones in the settlement of Oktyabrsky in Russia's Krasnodar Krai. The facility housed approximately 400 strike drones.

A large area was affected, with secondary detonations occurring at the impact sites.