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Rutte says he can work with both Trump and Harris, regardless of US election outcome

Rutte says he can work with both Trump and Harris, regardless of US election outcome Photo: Mark Rutte, NATO Secretary General (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte plans to work with any future president of the United States, regardless of the outcome of the country's election. He knows both current candidates well, he says during a briefing in Brussels.

According to Rutte, he is not worried about the outcome of the US presidential election, as he knows both candidates for the White House well, namely, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris.

According to the new Secretary General, he worked with Trump for 4 years. The latter was the one who pushed the Alliance toward greater defense spending.

Harris, on the other hand, has a good track record as Vice President and is a highly respected leader.

“So, I think on the US side, it will be hard work to make sure that we all stay united, but at the end, I'm convinced that we all understand why this is necessary, because our defense and our values are at stake here,” Rutte adds.

Today, on October 1, Jens Stoltenberg handed over the powers of NATO Secretary General to former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Election in United States

This November, the United States will hold presidential election. As mentioned above, former US President Donald Trump and current US Vice President Kamala Harris remain the main candidates for the presidency.

Last week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the United States. During the trip, he presented Trump with a plan for Ukraine's victory. The talks lasted about an hour. After the talks with the President, Trump said he wanted a fair deal for all in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine.

Read more about Zelenskyy's visit to the United States in RBC-Ukraine's article.