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Stoltenberg hands over powers of NATO Secretary General to Mark Rutte

Stoltenberg hands over powers of NATO Secretary General to Mark Rutte Photo: Jens Stoltenberg (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Jens Stoltenberg officially handed over the powers of the North Atlantic Alliance Secretary General to former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, according to the ceremony broadcast.

Stoltenberg states that he is handing over the position to Mark, passing him the gavel of the NATO chairman, and inviting him to sit in the chair and take over the chairmanship of the North Atlantic Council

Mark Rutte is new NATO Secretary General

Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly expressed his desire to step down as NATO Secretary General, but finding a worthy successor has proven to be a difficult task.

NATO member states considered several candidates, including UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, but his candidacy was not supported by the United States.

In the end, former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was elected as NATO Secretary General. However, not immediately, but after lengthy negotiations and overcoming the disagreement of Hungary, Türkiye, and Slovakia, his candidacy was supported by all allies.

Read more about the new NATO Secretary General and his position on Ukraine in RBC-Ukraine's article.