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Russians use Ukrainians in the occupation as human shields

Russians use Ukrainians in the occupation as human shields Occupiers use Ukrainians as a human shield (photo: Getty Images)

In the temporarily occupied southern regions of Ukraine, Russian military forces are conducting raids and using Ukrainians as human shields, states the Mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov.

According to Fedorov, in the occupied town of Tokmak, Russian military forces are conducting apartment-by-apartment searches and occupying multi-story buildings.

At the same time, according to the mayor's information, residents of the Berdyansk district report the invaders taking over houses.

In some villages of the Polohy district, the enemy has effectively turned them into reservations - only those officially registered there are allowed to enter or leave.

The situation in the Zaporizhzhia region

Russian Forces occupied territories along the Azov Sea coast in the early months of the full-scale invasion. The cities of Melitopol, Berdyansk, and Tokmak became major focal points for the Russian military.

Explosions have become more frequent in the occupied Melitopol recently. According to locals, the occupiers are uneasy in the city because the Ukrainian Armed Forces possess weapons that can reach them.