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Russians strike Kostiantynivka market in Donetsk region: Casualties reported

Russians strike Kostiantynivka market in Donetsk region: Casualties reported Photo: the occupiers hit the market in Kostiantynivka on September 7 (

On September 7, Russians shelled the market in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. This is not the first time the market in the city has been targeted, report Novyny Donbasu, local Telegram channels, and the Telegram account of Donetsk Regional State Administration head Vadym Filashkin.

"Russian forces shelled Kostiantynivka on the morning of September 7," the report states.

According to journalists citing eyewitnesses, there are casualties and injuries, and the market was targeted again.

Local Telegram channels reported hearing between 8 and 10 explosions.

Three killed and three injured in Kostiantynivka shelling

Three people were killed and three others wounded in the shelling of Kostiantynivka on September 7.

"Russian forces shelled the city with artillery, killing three men aged 24 to 69. Three others sustained minor injuries and received necessary medical assistance," said Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration.

Additionally, damage was reported to a high-rise building, an administrative building, a shop, a pharmacy, six cars, and three power lines.

Previous attacks on Kostiantynivka

Russian troops have previously shelled Kostiantynivka in Donetsk region. For instance, on August 9, Russian occupiers struck the Ecomarket supermarket in the city, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries.

On September 6, 2023, Russian forces also targeted a market in Kostiantynivka, causing 16 deaths and 30 injuries.