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Russians shell supermarket in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region: Dead and injured reported

Russians shell supermarket in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region: Dead and injured reported Photo: Russians shelled a supermarket in Kostiantynivka, casualties reported (

Today, August 9, Russian occupiers struck the Ecomarket supermarket in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. As a result of the shelling, two people were killed and many were injured, according to the Telegram channel of the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration (RMA), Vadym Filashkin.

The head states that the terrorists attacked Kostiantynivka with artillery. Currently, there are at least 7 known victims, one of whom is in critical condition.

Police, rescuers, medics, and all services are working at the scene.

Photo: Russians shelled a supermarket in Kostiantynivka (

Local Telegram channels report that the strike occurred around 11:00 AM Kyiv time.

“Warfare against civilians is all they know. Russia must fully feel the retribution for everything it does,” wrote the Head of the President’s Office Andriy Yermak, commenting on the supermarket strike.

Casualties increase

As of 12:45 AM, according to Vadym Filashkin, the known figures are:

  • 2 dead;
  • 17 injured.

“The search and rescue operation at the crime scene continues,” added the head of the Donetsk RMA.

Update. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that there were already 24 injured and 4 dead. According to the head of state, the strike was at a regular supermarket and Nova Poshta post office. People are trapped under the rubble. The rescue operation is ongoing.

Meanwhile, the press service of Nova Poshta reported that the hit was in the cargo department. One employee sustained a concussion and is receiving all necessary assistance.

'Preliminarily, some of the packages survived. The estimated value of the destroyed cargo will be fully compensated to the customers,' the company added.

Росіяни обстріляли супермаркет у Костянтинівці, є загиблі та багато поранених

Photo: The strike at the supermarket in Kostiantynivka also affected the Nova Poshta post office (

Ukraine shelling on the night of August 9

On the night of August 9, the enemy once again attacked Ukrainian territory. This time, Russians launched 27 Shahed strike drones from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk area of the Russian Federation.

Mobile fire groups of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, anti-aircraft missile units, and electronic warfare (EW) assets of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) were involved in repelling the attack. Air Defense managed to destroy all 27 drones in Kyiv, Poltava, Sumy, Mykolaiv, Kherson, and several other regions.