ua en ru

Russians start training on North Korean howitzers

Russians start training on North Korean howitzers Photo: Russians began training on DPRK howitzers (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops have begun training on self-propelled artillery systems from North Korea. This is evidence of Russia's lack of artillery, the Atesh guerrilla movement says.

According to an Atesh agent from the Russian Armed Forces, training of artillerymen on North Korean self-propelled artillery systems has begun in Saratov at the recently restored Higher Artillery Command School.

“This demonstrates that Russia cannot independently produce and repair its heavy weapons in the required quantities, as well as North Korea's growing role in Russia's war against Ukraine,” the statement says.

North Korea's assistance to Russia

North Korea is one of the few countries that assist the Russian army. North Korea has provided Russia with ammunition and missiles and is now preparing to send troops.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, North Korea is already preparing a military contingent for war. It is not only about infantry but also about other specialists.

Zelenskyy says that Russia and North Korea intend to train 10,000 soldiers from various branches of the military, and North Korean officers are already in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

According to RBC-Ukraine's sources, Russia plans to form a special Buryat battalion of North Korean soldiers.