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North Korea trains soldiers for war against Ukraine - Zelenskyy

North Korea trains soldiers for war against Ukraine - Zelenskyy Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

North Korea is already preparing a contingent to fight against Ukraine. It's not just infantry, but also specialists from various military services, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says at a press conference following his participation in a meeting of the European Council.

According to the President of Ukraine, there is information from Ukrainian intelligence that North Korean officers are already in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. They are training Russian soldiers.

“I do not know the number of officers, but there is intelligence that Russia is counting on such reinforcement. Because Russia is not able to keep up with mobilization. It loses too many on the battlefield. And Putin knows that his society is against mobilization. That is why he is looking for external support,” the President says.

Zelenskyy says that Russia and North Korea intend to train 10,000 soldiers from various branches of the armed forces and ground forces.

“That is, he (Putin - ed.) wants to involve not only infantry but also specialists from various branches of the military, including tactical ones. And we know that North Korea is already preparing a contingent to fight against Ukraine. This is a very urgent thing,” the head of state says.

Zelenskyy says he had talked to the United States and many leaders about this, as it is the involvement of another country in the war.

“This is an official fact that another country is being drawn into the war and will fight against Ukraine as a contingent alongside Russia. Because you know that Iran has already provided Russia with missiles and UAVs, but not with contingents. And this is a serious step - the involvement of a contingent in the war,” he emphasizes.

North Korean troops in Ukraine

North Korea has previously transferred ammunition and missiles to Ukraine. However, it has recently become known that North Korea is also going to send troops to war.

At the same time, North Korean military officers are already in Ukraine. According to RBC-Ukraine's sources, in early October, over 20 Russian occupiers, including North Korean military personnel, were eliminated near Donetsk.

Western media reports that North Korean soldiers are being trained in Russia and that thousands of soldiers may be sent to the front by the end of the year. According to RBC-Ukraine, Russia is creating a special Buryat battalion of the North Korean military.