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Russian army forms special Buryat battalion with DPRK troops - Sources

Russian army forms special Buryat battalion with DPRK troops - Sources Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

The Russian occupation army is forming a "special Buryat battalion" based on the 11th Separate Air Assault Brigade, with North Korean soldiers making up its ranks, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources within the Defense Forces.

According to their accounts, the estimated number of personnel in this battalion is up to three thousand. Currently, the process of equipping these soldiers with firearms and ammunition is underway.

Sources suggest that the enemy may deploy this battalion to conduct combat operations near Sudzha and Kursk.

North Korea's involvement in war against Ukraine

North Korea is one of Russia's top supporters in the war against Ukraine. The country has been supplying missiles and millions of artillery shells to the occupation forces. Recently, however, reports have emerged about the involvement of North Korean troops in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The Washington Post reported that several thousand North Korean soldiers are undergoing training on Russian territory before being sent to the front in Ukraine, potentially by the end of 2024.

According to RBC-Ukraine's sources, a missile strike near occupied Donetsk killed six North Korean officers in early October 2024.

Yesterday, October 14, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted to the news of Russia preparing thousands of North Korean troops for possible deployment in the war against Ukraine. He said that this marks the actual involvement of North Korea in the war against Ukraine.