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Russians show video of alleged Ukrainian soldier’s head. Ombudsman appeals to UN and ICRC

Russians show video of alleged Ukrainian soldier’s head. Ombudsman appeals to UN and ICRC Photo: Dmytro Lubinets (

Publishing videos of the alleged killing of Ukrainian soldiers, the Russians aim to demoralize the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets.

What preceded

Today, August 16, Russians began spreading a video on social media showing the severed head of a Ukrainian soldier.

The video was reportedly filmed by fighters from the 155th Separate Guards Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, stationed in the Kursk region.

According to the DeepState project, the video was likely recorded at the Kolotilovka checkpoint in the Belgorod region. Around August 12, there was presumably an unsuccessful attempt by the Defense Forces to break through enemy lines there.

For ethical reasons, RBC-Ukraine does not publish the Russian video.

Lubinets' reaction

According to Lubinets, he has already reached out to the UN and the ICRC regarding this latest act of violation of international humanitarian law by the Russian side.

"I want to note that such videos are used by the enemy to intimidate and demoralize Ukrainians. However, this only strengthens our resolve to hold accountable everyone who commits such inhumane atrocities," the Ombudsman wrote.

Russian mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners

This is not the first instance of Russian soldiers' brutal treatment of Ukrainian prisoners.

In June, the Defence Intelligence identified the Russians who executed four prisoners near Robotyne.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion by Russia, Ukrainian law enforcement has documented over 60 cases of the execution of Ukrainian soldiers by Russian military.