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Russians shell Kherson again: Hit shopping center and hospital

Russians shell Kherson again: Hit shopping center and hospital Russians shelled Kherson (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Russian army continues to shell Kherson. During today's renewed attack, hits on a shopping center and a medical facility were recorded, according to the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, Oleksandr Prokudin, on his Telegram channel.

"Today, throughout the day, the occupiers have been shelling the city center. Residential areas and social infrastructure are under fire," reported the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

According to him, in the evening, the occupiers shelled the city again.

"They targeted a shopping center and a medical facility. Preliminarily, no casualties reported," noted Prokudin.

Shelling in Kherson

Russian occupiers continue to shell Kherson, especially after its de-occupation.

On August 1st, Russian forces attacked a hospital in Kherson, resulting in the death of a young doctor who had just taken up his post. Five people were injured, although initially it was reported that only one nurse was seriously injured. During the shelling, a police officer was also killed.

During the night and morning of August 2nd, the city experienced another attack by Russian forces on residential buildings, resulting in two people being injured.

Today, Russian forces shelled a church in the center of Kherson, injuring three passengers of a trolleybus passing by the cathedral at the time of the strike.