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Russians preparing assault in Zaporizhzhia direction: Defense forces

Russians preparing assault in Zaporizhzhia direction: Defense forces Photo: The Armed Forces of Ukraine record the preparation of Russians for assaults in the Zaporizhzhia direction (Getty Images)

The Russians are preparing for assault operations in the Zaporizhzhia direction. This is indicated by the transfer of enemy equipment and the concentration of manpower, according to the spokesperson for the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine, Vladyslav Voloshyn.

"Russian preparations for assault actions are underway today in the Zaporizhzhia direction, specifically in the Pryiutne area," he said.

The spokesperson noted that, according to Ukrainian intelligence, the enemy is concentrating personnel for these assault actions. He mentioned that, in recent days, the occupiers received 25 light buggy vehicles from the automotive base of the southern district of the Russian Federation, which the enemy uses for small group assaults.

"These are signs of preparations for future assault operations in the Zaporizhzhia direction," Voloshyn added.

He also stated that the enemy is already concentrating assault group personnel at forward positions.

Situation on the front line

It is worth noting that, in recent months, Russian forces have been focusing on the Donetsk region. The most challenging front areas remain Pokrovsk, Kurakhove, and Vuhledar. Over the past day, there have been 180 combat clashes.

Moreover, Ukrainian troops continue their operations in the Kursk region. Recently, Ukrainian defenders liberated the aggregate plant in Vovchansk, Kharkiv region.

For more details on the front-line events and what to expect this autumn, see the RBC-Ukraine report.