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Russians move brigade from Chasiv Yar to Kursk region - ISW

Russians move brigade from Chasiv Yar to Kursk region - ISW Photo: Russian authorities transfer units from Donbas to Kursk region (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Russian military command has redeployed units from the Bakhmut direction to the Kursk region to counter the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operations, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

The report references a statement by a Russian military blogger on August 20, who claimed that the Russian 11th Airborne (VDV) Brigade, previously active near Bakhmut in late July 2024, struck a Ukrainian armored vehicle in southern Russkaya Konopelka (east of Sudzha).

The ISW speculates that the Russian military command likely redeployed elements of the 11th VDV Brigade to replace or reinforce frontline units, rather than using them in ongoing combat operations.

The Institute for the Study of War previously noted that such redeployments could impact the pace of Russian offensive operations. However, it may take several weeks to assess any potential effects of these redeployments on Russian operations in the Donetsk region.

“ISW continues to assess that the Russian military command is likely extremely averse to pulling Russian military units engaged in combat from higher priority sectors in Donetsk Oblast due to concerns about further slowing the tempo of Russian operations in these directions,” the report stated.

Additionally, according to Russian sources, the Russian military command has redeployed parts of the 30th Motorized Rifle Regiment (72nd Motorized Rifle Division, 22nd Army Corps [AC], Leningrad Military District [LMD]) to the Kursk region. As of mid-July 2024, the regiment was active in the northern Kharkiv region.

The Institute also referenced a Ukrainian military analyst who claimed that an unspecified unit from the 4th Tank Division (1st Guards Tank Army [GTA], Moscow Military District [MMD]) was operating in the Kursk region, suggesting that this unit was present in the area even before the start of Ukrainian operations in the Kursk region.

“ISW has previously observed additional indications that Russian authorities are largely relying on an amalgamation of conscripts, irregular Russian forces, and regular Russian forces re-deployed from lower priority frontline areas in Ukraine to counter the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk Oblast,” the ISW report stated.

Ukrainian military operations in the Kursk region

On August 6, the Ukrainian Armed Forces crossed the state border with Russia in the Sumy region and began a large-scale military operation in the Kursk region.

Within two weeks, Ukrainian forces managed to seize control of up to 35 kilometers of Russian territory and over 90 settlements.

The Ukrainian military is actively advancing in the Kursk region and disrupting enemy logistical routes.

The Pentagon is discussing long-term objectives for the operation in the Kursk region with the Ukrainian side.