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Russian troops shell their own units in Vovchansk

Russian troops shell their own units in Vovchansk Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The situation in the Kharkiv sector remains difficult but without significant changes. The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to effectively deter the offensive of Russian troops, according to the Kharkiv operational and tactical group of troops.

Kharkiv sector

Russian troops in the area of Hlyboke village are moving personnel to replenish losses and conducting engineering reconnaissance to find new logistics routes.

Not far from Lukianets, Russia is building up its communications system and taking steps to provide logistical support.

In Vovchansk, the Russians attempted to deliver personnel by car, but Ukrainian forces responded with fire, destroying Russian vehicles. In addition, the Russian occupiers struck their units with MLRS near the Aggregate Plant.

Russia intensified aerial reconnaissance in the direction of Tykhe village, trying to identify the positions of Ukrainian defenders.

Russian losses in Kharkiv sector

Over the past day, one combat engagement took place, Russia carried out 2 air strikes and used 36 kamikaze drones to attack Ukrainian positions. The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to successfully destroy the Russian manpower and equipment.

Over the past day, Russian troops suffered 85 casualties, 22 of which were irreversible and 61 were sanitary. 2 Russian occupants voluntarily surrendered.

In the Kharkiv sector, 42 units of Russian equipment and weapons were destroyed or damaged, including 3 artillery systems, 3 vehicles, 4 units of special equipment, 32 unmanned aerial vehicles, 43 shelters for personnel, an ammunition depot, and 2 launch pads for launching drones.

Over the past day, the Ukrainian Defence Forces eliminated another 1,060 Russian occupants.