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Russian troops digging tunnels in Vovchansk for movement between buildings - Ukraine's Forces

Russian troops digging tunnels in Vovchansk for movement between buildings - Ukraine's Forces Illustrative photo: Russian forces continue to remain in Vovchansk (Getty Images)

Russian forces remain active in the Kharkiv region. In particular, they are digging tunnels in Vovchansk, according to the Kharkiv Operational and Tactical Group on Telegram.

As noted by the Operational and Tactical Group, Ukrainian defenders continue to hold back the pressure from Russia in the Kharkiv region. The operational situation remains complex.

In particular, in the vicinity of the village of Hlyboke, the enemy used drones at night to mine the routes of Ukrainian troops. Additionally, units of Akhmat were observed near the village of Lukiantsi.

In the area of the village of Starytsia, Russian troops are establishing new engineering barriers and conducting logistical support.

At the same time, in Vovchansk, Russian forces have intensified aerial reconnaissance to detect Ukrainian units and isolated movements of the enemy have been recorded to replenish their losses.

"It has been noted that engineering work is being conducted by the enemy to establish tunnels for covert movement between adjacent buildings," the Operational and Tactical Group specified.

What preceded this

Earlier, it became known that soldiers from the Defense Intelligence were able to drive the Russian forces out of the Aggregate Plant in Vovchansk.

Ukrainian troops liberated the last of 30 buildings on the plant's territory from the Russian military.

During the operation, they managed to capture about 20 Russian soldiers.