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Ukrainian defenders capture about 20 Russian troops at aggregate plant in Vovchansk

Ukrainian defenders capture about 20 Russian troops at aggregate plant in Vovchansk Photo: The DIU captured 20 Russians at a plant in Vovchansk (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

During the liberation of the aggregate plant in Vovchansk in the north of the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian soldiers captured about two dozen Russian invaders, according to an officer of the Tymur special unit of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine with the call sign "Viking".

He notes that after receiving a combat mission from the head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov, the second battalion of the Tymur special unit and a related unit of the Russian Volunteer Corps went on a mission.

“The battle lasted a little over a week. There was intense Russian shelling. Russia itself put up considerable resistance at the plant, but in the end, we completed the task,” the soldier says.

He confirms that as a result of the operation, the DIU special forces managed to capture the Russian occupants.

“At the Vovchansk aggregate plant, up to two dozen Russian troops were captured, and several dozen were killed. Also, 4 Russian occupants tried to leave the perimeter of the plant, as a result of which they were neutralized outside the perimeter of the plant,” says Viking.

According to the soldier, the aggregate plant in Vovchansk is significantly damaged, but it is possible to hold the defense there.

Liberation of aggregate plant

On Tuesday, September 24, it became known that the Ukrainian military liberated the aggregate plant in Vovchansk. It had been occupied by Russian invaders for a long time. As previously reported by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Russians were blocked at the plant.

A representative of the Russian Volunteer Corps said that this was the first such Ukrainian operation since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian soldiers stormed a large fortified area.

According to him, there are also few locations left in Vovchansk, as the Russians practically destroyed the city during the offensive.