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Ukrainian intelligence liberates Vovchansk Aggregate Plant near Kharkiv

Ukrainian intelligence liberates Vovchansk Aggregate Plant near Kharkiv Illustrative photo: Ukraine liberated Vovchansk Aggregate Plant (Getty Images)

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine has liberated the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant, according to RBC-Ukraine sources in the Defense Forces.

The last of the plant's 30 buildings was completely cleared today, September 24.


The DIU confirmed the liberation of the plant and showed a video of the operation. As a result of a complex and successful operation, the DIU units completely liberated the territory of the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant and destroyed the Russians in all buildings of the enterprise.

“On Tuesday, September 24, at 2:40 p.m. (Kyiv time), the DIU special unit commander Tymur reported to the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov on the successful completion of the operation. The operation was carried out by special DIU groups: Stugna, Parahon, RDK, Junger, BDK, Terror," the statement said.

The fighters carried out a systematic cleansing of the plant's buildings, constantly engaging in contact battles with the Russian troops in dense buildings. In some cases, Ukrainian special forces engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

The Russians engaged the most motivated and professional units to defend the plant, including soldiers from the 45th Airborne Brigade of the Special Forces.

They also constantly used a large amount of artillery, kamikaze drones, GABs, and heavy flamethrower systems Solntsepyok against Ukrainian fighters.

Ukrainian soldiers not only liberated the plant but also replenished the exchange fund. The territory of the aggregate plant was transferred under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces after all 30 buildings were cleared.

Vovchansk Aggregate Plant

The Vovchansk Aggregate Plant is an important enterprise in the Kharkiv region that specializes in producing hydraulic systems and aviation components for civilian and military vehicles. The war has significantly affected its operations.

In early May of this year, Russian troops launched a second offensive in the north of the Kharkiv region. Since then, the Russians have made little progress and ended up at the aggregate plant, where they were blocked by the Ukrainian military.


Earlier, the Institute for the Study of War reported that the Ukrainian Defense Forces counterattacked in the area of Vovchansk near the steam mill north of the Aggregate Plant. This confirms the Ukrainian advance near the plant.

The Russian military was blocked inside the plant for several months.

Volodymyr Cherniak, an officer of the Rubizh Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, said that the Aggregate Plant in Vovchansk had become a big problem for the Russians. He also hinted at good news for Ukraine in that sector.