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Aggregate plant in Vovchansk becomes problem for Russia: Potential good news for Ukraine

Aggregate plant in Vovchansk becomes problem for Russia: Potential good news for Ukraine Photo: street fighting continues in Vovchansk (Getty Images)

The Aggregate Plant in Vovchansk (Kharkiv region) has become a significant problem for the Russian occupiers. It is possible that good news for Ukraine will come from there soon, according to the officer of the Rubizh brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, Volodymyr Cherniak.

He specifically commented on reports that the occupation forces recently struck their own forces at the Aggregate Plant using a heavy flamethrower system, Solntsepyok.

"Perhaps they decided to ease the suffering of the trapped Russians at the plant. I don't know the answer; I can't get into their heads. But indeed, this is not the first time that strikes on the Aggregate Plant and the surrounding areas by the Russians have been recorded, as we haven't been responsible for these attacks," Cherniak noted.

According to him, the enemy is still there, but the Aggregate Plant has become a significant problem for the Russians.

"There are currently a few of them left there, many of whom are incapacitated. Their logistics have been disrupted, and they are trying to compensate for the lack of water, food, and ammunition using drones. Street fighting is ongoing in the town of Vovchansk. It's likely that soon we will hear good news, particularly about the Aggregate Plant. That is unless the Russians deal with it first by destroying their servicemen on its territory," the officer added.

It should be noted that, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), last week, Ukraine's Defense Forces counterattacked in the area of Vovchansk, near the steam mill north of the Aggregate Plant. This confirms analysts' assessment of Ukrainian advances near the plant.

In the evening, the occupiers tried to deliver reinforcements using motor vehicles, but they were hit with fire. In response, the Russians used multiple rocket launch systems to fire on the area adjacent to the Aggregate Plant, causing losses to their own units.