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Russian strike on Poltava did not change US policy on Ukraine's strikes on Russia - Pentagon

Russian strike on Poltava did not change US policy on Ukraine's strikes on Russia - Pentagon US Department of Defense spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder (photo: Getty Images)

Following the Russian missile strike on Poltava, the US has not changed its policy regarding providing Ukraine with the capability and authorization for strikes deep into Russian territory. The mentioned strike on Poltava resulted in the deaths of 50 people and injured over 200, states US Defense Department spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

In response to a question about whether the recent Russian missile strike on Poltava had led the US leadership to reconsider providing Ukraine with long-range strike capabilities against Russia, Ryder indicated that there were no announcements regarding changes to their policy on long-range strikes at that time.

At the same time, he assured that the US, along with its allies and partners, will continue to provide Ukraine with air defense systems.

It is also noted that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Ukraine expects not only permissions from Western partners for strikes against Russia but also the necessary weaponry for Ukrainian forces.

Russian missile strike on Poltava

On the morning of September 3, Russian forces struck Poltava with two ballistic missiles. The attack partially destroyed the building of the Institute of Communications, a hospital, and several residential buildings. According to the latest data from the State Emergency Service, 50 people were killed and 271 injured.

The Office of the Prosecutor General announced that a preliminary investigation has been launched into the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and inviolability.

For more details on the tragedy in Poltava, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.